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Fit for 55: a unique opportunity to optimise decarbonisation while restoring nature
By Antonella Battaglini, Chief Executive Officer, Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) In an active move towards decarbonisation, the European …
Electrifying Europe with wind energy
By Giles Dickson, CEO of WindEurope Europe wants to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050. This …
Electricity gets cleaner every year. And we know how to reach zero.
Oped by Dries Acke, Director at the European Climate Foundation Yes, we get the question. Why is the …
An ambitious Fit for 55 package is crucial to decarbonise Europe’s heating and cooling sector and make it fit for 2050
Oped by Thomas Nowak, Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association Heat pumps are already the technology …
The copper industry has a significant role to play in enabling decarbonisation
By Bernard Respaut, CEO of the European Copper Institute The EU Energy Roadmap 2050 estimates that copper-enabled decarbonising …
Letter of recommendations by the Electrification Alliance on Electricity Pricing
The increase in wholesale electricity prices that Europe is experiencing is triggering concerns and political debate across the …