Fit for 55: a unique opportunity to optimise decarbonisation while restoring nature
By Antonella Battaglini, Chief Executive Officer, Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) In an active move towards decarbonisation, the European Commission has proposed ambitious renewable and energy efficiency targets in the ‘Fit for 55’ package. I believe that the legislative package is a step into the right …
Electrifying Europe with wind energy
By Giles Dickson, CEO of WindEurope Europe wants to be the first climate neutral continent by 2050. This requires an unprecedented transformation of the way we produce and consume things, get around and generally lead our lives. In 2050 Europe’s energy system will look totally different. …
Electricity gets cleaner every year. And we know how to reach zero.
Oped by Dries Acke, Director at the European Climate Foundation Yes, we get the question. Why is the European Climate Foundation part of the Electrification alliance? Do you like coal, gas, nuclear, incinerators? The question is fair but doesn’t grasp the dynamics of the transition. …
An ambitious Fit for 55 package is crucial to decarbonise Europe’s heating and cooling sector and make it fit for 2050
Oped by Thomas Nowak, Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association Heat pumps are already the technology of choice in new buildings in many EU countries. However, the technology also affords benefits in renovation – and three-quarters of Europe’s housing stock deemed inefficient, this …
The copper industry has a significant role to play in enabling decarbonisation
By Bernard Respaut, CEO of the European Copper Institute The EU Energy Roadmap 2050 estimates that copper-enabled decarbonising technologies can abate some 75% of EU GHG emissions[1]. Indeed, copper is used across the electricity system and in heat exchange. Thanks to its excellent electrical and …
Letter of recommendations by the Electrification Alliance on Electricity Pricing
The increase in wholesale electricity prices that Europe is experiencing is triggering concerns and political debate across the continent. The Electrification Alliance, an alliance of 10 European associations that firmly believe electrification is the future of the European Union’s energy system, would like to share …
Solar will emerge from the Fit for 55 as one of the EU’s primary energy sources
by Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO, SolarPower Europe The EU’s Fit for 55 package marks a watershed moment for Europe’s solar energy sector. Once finalised, it will accelerate the deployment of solar capacity across the EU and drive the uptake of solar electricity in all end use …
The smart electrification of buildings, transport and industry: a win-win for both the system and end-users
Michael Villa, Executive Director, smartEn Climate change is one of the most existential threats we have faced to date. It is vital we take action today to fend off its worst consequences – the impact of which we have already seen with the fires and …
Europe’s climate and skills agendas must go hand in hand
Julie Beaufils, Secretary General …